Bug Tracking

Bug tracking is a process in which the defects are identifying, isolated and managed.

Defect Profile Document
Defect ID:
The sequences of defect numbers are listed out here in this section.

Steps of Reproducibility:
The list of all the steps that are followed by a test engineer to identity the defect are listed out here in this section.

The test engineer name who submits the defect will be mentioned here in this section.

Date of Submission
The date on which the defects submitted is mentioned here in this section.

Version Number:
The corresponding version number is mentioned here in this section.

Build Number:
Corresponding build number is mentioned here is this section.

Assigned to:
The project lead or development lead will mentioned the corresponding developers name for name the defect is assigned.

How serious the defect is, is described in terms of severity. It is classified in to 4 types.

1. FATAL :Sev1 S1 1
2. MAJOR :Sev2 S2 2
3. MINOR :Sev3 S3 3
4. SUGGESION :Sev4 S4 4


It is all the problems are related to navigational blocks or unavailability of functionality then such types of problems are treated to be FATAL defect.

Note: It is also called as show stopper defects.


It at all the problems are related to the working of the features then such types of problems are treated to be MAJOR defects.


It at all the problems are related to the look and feel of the application then such types of problems are treated to be MINOR defects.


If at all the problems are related to the value of the application then such types of problems are treated to be suggestions.


The sequence in which the defects have to be rectified is described in terms of priority. It is classified in to 4 types.


Usually the FATAL defects are given CRITICAL priority, MAJOR defects are given HIGH priority, MINOR defects are given MEDIUM priority and SUGGITION defects are given LOW priority sent depending upon the situation the priority may be changed by the project lead or development lead.

Ex: -

Low Severity High Priority Case:
In the case of customer visit all the look and feel defects, which are usually less savior, are given highest priority.

High Severity Low Priority Case:
If at all some part of the application is not available because it is under development still the test engineer will treat team as FATAL defect, but the development lead will give less priority for those defects.


1.New / Open

When ever the defect is found for the first time the test engineer will set the status as New / Open. But some companies will say to set the status as only new at this situation and once the developers accept the defect they will set the status as open.

2.Reopen and Closed:

Once the defects are rectified by the developer and the next build is released to the testing department then the testers will check whether the defects are rectified properly or not.

If they feel rectified they will set the status as Closed. Other wise they will set the status as Reopen

3.Fixed for Verification / Fixed / Rectified:

When ever the test engineer raises the defects, accepted in the developers. Rectified then they will set the status as Fixed.

Whenever the developer confused to accept or Reject the defect he will set the status as hold.

Testers Mistake / Testers Error / Rejected:
Whenever the developer is confused it is not at all a defect then he will set the status as reject.

As Per Design (This is a Rare case)
When ever some new changes are incorporated engineers then the test engineers will raze then as defects but the developers will set the status as ‘As Per Design’.
It is a problem related to the program.

If the test engineer with respect to the functionality identifies a problem then it is called defect.

If the developer accepts the defect, that is called as Bug.

Fault / Failure:
The customer identity the problem, after delivery. It is called Fault / Failure.